our Beliefs


Loving Out.

We believe that we are called to love outwardly into our community with the unconditional love of Christ through acts of service, prayer for others, and the proclamation of the Gospel.

Reaching Up.

We believe that we are called to daily reach up toward Christ and conform our lives to look closer like Him every single day through the reading of scripture, prayer, worship and obeying the commands of God.

Growing In.

We believe that we are called to grow spiritually deeper through our Sunday morning experience, small groups, and Bible studies.

What we believe

We believe. in the inspired Word of God, the Bible, and adhere to it’s teachings as a guide to our lives.

We believe that Jesus of Nazareth was born of a virgin, lived on earth without sin, died on a cross to save humankind from our sins, and rose from the dead three days later.

We believe Jesus sits at the right hand of God in Heaven to intercede for those who believe in HIm

We believe Jesus will visibly return to earth to claim those believers and those who died in Him as His own, and will judge the world.

We believe every human being has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, thus needing His forgiveness. This forgiveness of sins comes through faith in Jesus Christ by the repentance of sins, confession of faith in Him, and sealed in Christian baptism.

We believe the church is on earth to share the Good News of Jesus’ salvation and to help believers grow in knowledge and in their service to Him.


We are called to:

Share the message of Christ with others

We are devoted to:

Knowing and living by the TRUTH.

Being UNITED in mind, throught, and action.

Walking by FAITH, not by sight.

FELLOWSHIP with Christ and others.

Developing GODLY LEADERS who prepare and protect God’s people.

SERVING others with humility.

WORSHIPING with zeal and reverence.

Being good STEWARDS with our time, talents, tithe, and testimony.

We are committed to always:

Doing everything with EXCELLENCE